A ministry of Mission Hill Church for Kindergarten – 4th grade
Mission Hill Kids desire to be intentional inside and outside the church walls. We desire for volunteers, kids and parents to foster a love so deep for Jesus that they live out their faith no matter where they are.
• Provide a safe and clean environment that is fun and inviting
• Teach kids to know God and His Word
• Help children grow in their faith
• Teach kids to share God’s love with others
Join us Sundays at one of our three campuses (Kindergarten – 4th grade)
• Central Campus @ 9 and 10:45 AM
• Lake Carroll Campus @ 9:30 and 10:45 AM
• Six Mile Campus @ 9:30 and 10:45 AM
AWANA clubs (ages 2 years – 4th grade) meet at Central Campus on Wednesdays from 6:30 – 8 PM beginning August 21st and will continue during the school year.
Visit our AWANA page for more information and registration.
The Gospel Project is a three-year survey of the Bible that goes from Genesis to Revelation, with each lesson pointing back to Jesus. When kids truly experience the gospel, their hearts are transformed. It is the gospel, not good behavior, which changes everything.
• See the Big Story: Kids will understand that the Bible is not a collection of stories, but God’s unified story of redemption.
• Read Scripture as Christ-centered: The Leader Guide and Activity Pages provide a deep, Christ-centered Bible study experience for all ages.
• Grasp Essential Christian Doctrines: The Big Picture Questions and Answers are designed to help kids understand essential theological doctrines of the Christian faith.
How to talk to your kids about Salvation
- Sometimes, it can be challenging to know exactly how to talk about salvation— especially when you need to do so in kid language! We like to use The Gospel: God’s Plan for Me to explain the Gospel to kids. Download The Gospel Poster here.
How to talk to your kids about baptism
- Baptism is a way for Christians to publicly show others that Christ has done something miraculous in their lives. When a Christian is baptized, he or she is publicly identifying with Christ (with his death, burial, resurrection, and Lordship). In the New Testament, baptism occurs after a profession of faith (i.e., it is for believers only). It is a command and expectation, but baptism in and of itself in no way saves or completes a person’s salvation. Baptism is a symbol only. The key to helping a kid understand baptism is simple – take the necessary time to explain baptism clearly.
Recommended Bibles
The characteristic with the highest impact on spiritual health as a young adult is personal Bible reading at home. But, kids don’t read a Bible they have a hard time understanding. Help your child pick an age-appropriate Bible that you can read to them, or that they can read and want to read. Here are some recommended Bibles to check out:
Pre-readers (about 3-5yrs)
These are storybook Bibles designed to help you introduce Bible stories through short text and vibrant pictures.
Early Readers (about 6-8yrs)
These are full-text Bibles that still have lots of great graphics and pictures to make reading easy and fun.
Proficient Readers (about 9-12yrs)
These are full-text Bibles that are designed to help children understand and enjoy the Bible as they transition from a beginner’s Bible to a more “adult” Bible.
- CSB Kids Bible
- NIV Girls Journaling Bible
- The Action Bible (this is a storybook Bible in comic book format)
- NLT Scripture Memory Bible
- ESV Following Jesus Bible
Take Mission Hill Kids worship home with you! Check out our Spotify playlist here.
Take a look at our Policies and Procedures Handbook – Download here
For the health and well-being of all our children, please care for your child at home if they exhibit obvious signs of illness, such as:
Fever over 100° F
Runny / Mucous Nose
Sore Throat
Unexplained Rash or Skin Infection
Eye Infection
Head Lice
Chicken Pox
Whooping Cough
If a child becomes sick after entering a classroom, the parents will be notified immediately.
Mission Hill Kids Staff and Volunteers are not allowed to administer any medication to a child. An exception is an emergency epi-pen.
A child must be free of all symptoms for 24 hours without medication before returning to the classroom.