For information regarding any of these volunteer opportunities please contact us at missionhillchurch@missionhillchurch.com.
Welcome parents and children as they arrive and assist with checking in First Time Guests.
Lead a class of 5-12 kids every week or every other week at 9:00 am or 10:45 am. Teach a Bible story and guide kids through craft time, outside time, and centers. Curriculum and crafts are provided, as well as training through the opportunity to shadow a successful teacher.
Teaching Assistant
Assist the lead teacher by helping lead centers and care for children. You can serve weekly, every other week, or monthly.
Nursery Workers
Opportunities on Sundays at 9:00am and 10:45am, and Wednesdays from 6:15-8:15pm. Nursery workers love, play with, and care for infants, crawlers, walkers, and toddlers. You can serve weekly, every other week, or monthly.
Special Needs Buddies
Buddies work with a child one-on-one in their class so they are able to participate, and their parents are able to go to worship.
Weekly Curriculum and Craft Coordinators
In preschool ministry, there is always something to cut out or color! Craft Coordinators help prep crafts, teaching examples, and other activities for kids. Hours and days are flexible and up to you!
Weekday Office Assistants
Organize events, help schedule volunteers, create social media posts—the possibilities are endless for how you could use your administrative gifts to serve preschoolers and their parents! Hours and days are flexible and up to you.