For information regarding any of these volunteer opportunities please contact the church office at missionhillchurch@missionhillchurch.com.
The Community Group ministry exists for the purpose of organizing our church to accomplish the Great Commission. All Community Groups work toward this goal by reaching, teaching, and ministering to people (Matt. 4:23).
Community Group Teachers: When a person accepts the Community Group Teacher position, they accept a sacred trust. This trust is guarded by expectations set for all teachers in accordance with James 3:1. These expectations include, but are not limited to, leading a meaningful Bible study every week, starting class on time, participating in Sunday morning worship, participating in training and growing opportunities, and faithfully tithing (giving 10% of your gross earnings).
Community Group Ministry Leader: The Community Group Ministry Leader assists the Pastor of Discipleship with the administrative responsibilities of the Adult Community Group ministry. This person will help provide Community Group leaders with what they need to accomplish the primary goal of the Community Group ministry. This person assists in planning, organizing, enlisting and equipping leaders, and in mobilizing members to work toward fulfilling the Great Commission by reaching people.
Discipleship Teacher: Discipleship Teachers lead and/or facilitate in-depth Bible studies during the week. When a person accepts a teaching position they receive a sacred trust. This trust is guarded by expectations set for all teachers in accordance with James 3:1. These expectations include but are not limited to leading a meaningful Bible study, starting class on time, participating in Sunday morning worship, participating in training and growing opportunities, and faithfully tithing (giving 10% of your gross earnings).